Newsletter #31
4.7.20 Social Distancing or Spiritual Distancing?
Safer at Home or Safest in the Presence of God?
Hello, my loving friends and biggest supporters of LA One Church. How have you been? With many of us staying behind the four walls of our rooms, some of our lives have changed drastically. Some have lost their jobs. Many had to change their schedule around so they can be available for those who are in physical care and need. Some even have lost their lives due to COVID-19. One church community is praying for you and is available for you. If you need prayers or anything else, such as food or financial assistance, let us know, so we can serve you and love you as Christ loved the church.
What I have been so challenged lately as a lead pastor of One Church is this question; Are we social distancing or spiritual distancing? We are to obey the government and aid the general public's health and welfare by socially distancing; however, has this mandate given us an excuse to spiritually distance ourselves from God, the church, brothers, and sisters of Christ?
We can be tempted to stay home, in front of our screen and phones, as we spend hours away, playing games and watching the news, movies, TV shows, Netflix, Hulu, DisneyPlus, YouTube, Instagram, and etc. You name it. How easy it is for us to block and spiritually distance ourselves from the world as we are forced to stay home to distance ourselves socially. What a perfect excuse to not fellowship with other believers, to grow in one's faith, and to be evangelistic and missional in every aspect of our lives!? In actuality, the safest place we can ever be is in the presence of God!
So as I prayed upon how we as believers should live during this mandate of staying home, I came to this solution; we must be intentional and missional Christian, whether we are at home or working as an essential worker during this difficult season of life for all of us. That's what Christ would have done and has done while on earth. He was up against all sorts of struggles and trials. Was He not? Ministering to lepers, mute, blind, lame, demon-possessed and prostitutes, at the same time, fighting the persecution of Pharisees and scribes, Jesus' three years of ministry showed not much glamor and fame but ended with whipping and crucifixion. Thankfully, this was not the final story. As we remember Christ's birth, his ministry, hi deity and humanity during this passion week, leading up to His RESURRECTION this Sunday, focus on Christ as you stay home. Give yourself to Him, so we may grow in our faith just a little more. Be intentional in fellowshipping with other believers.
We as one church want to help you achieve this Christ-minded goal and prepared valuable online tools below. We pray and hope that you can join us as we honor Christ this week, celebrate His resurrection, and glorify Him through this time of uncharted waters.
1. Get on a Bible Reading Plan with Pastor Chan - sign up at and friend "Chan Kwak" - Let's keep each other accountable as we read the Word together.
2. Get RightNow media and take advantage of One Church channel (under libraries tab on the left) - Pastor Jason and I have reviewed and recommended Bible study materials, documentaries, animations, and conferences for you to watch and enjoy during your stay at home. They are fun and spiritually beneficial!
3. Enroll in Sharelife University - I will moderate this evangelism course and help you to share the gospel personally and effectively. We can still be missional! People are questioning life and death all the more! What an opportunity for us to share the love of Jesus Christ when the biggest search on Google is prayer! People are thinking of spiritual things.
4. Enroll in Financial Peace University - Finance is tight right now, isn't it? Let's learn how to beat debt and make a plan for the future . . . together! Interested? Join me at LA One Chuch Online starting 4/22/2020 at 7 PM. Videos lessons on your own, then video chat with the class for activities and discussion.
5. Bible Men & Women (Bible Study) - We are meeting online every Friday at 6 PM to study the book of 1 Peter. Fellowship with us and grow in the Word of God together. I hope you can join us, this Good Friday.
6. Worship regularly - Sunday services have been amazing with people joining us from all over the world. Drop-in at or click on the link below for Resurrection Service at 1:11 PM, this Sunday. Please pray that the message of risen Christ will penetrate the hearts and transform lives!
We really really miss you and love you.
Always in Christ,
Chan Kwak
Lead Pastor
LA One Church
Ways to Support LA1
If you would like to support us financially, you may write a check out to "Los Angeles One Church" & mail to 2065 E. 120th St. LA CA 90059 or simply go online for super easy giving.
*Photos from the newsletter show Sunday afternoon visitation to our members with homemade cookies and prayers! (Only food delivery allowed per government mandate)