Newsletter #29
3.16.20 National Day of Prayer
To whom shall we turn to? To whom shall we run to? (How to Fight COVID-19)
Yesterday was declared as a National Day of Prayer by our president and rightfully so. In such troubled times with all that is going on in our nation and in the world, we clearly recognize that there is only one God, who is absolutely in control. For our church, being less than 50 in attendance, we were able to meet, worship, encourage, and pray for all the churches and businesses that are suffering due to COVID-19. It was a powerful time of praise, prayer, and message as Christ allowed us to recognize and glorify the Good Shepherd, our eternal Savior who guarantees our eternal destiny. If you were not able to worship this Sunday or in need of encouragement, please take some time to listen to our pastor's message on whom we can absolutely turn to in such troubled times.
Furthermore, if you would like to go to the Bible and see what it has to say about a pandemic disease like the Coronavirus, check out this website for a further detailed explanation.
In summary, how can we combat COVID-19 in such a time of uncertainty and of uncharted waters for our nation?
First, do not panic. Do not fear. God speaks to us in the Bible, more than 300 times, "Do not fear." He must really mean it and right now is a perfect time for us to remember this truth in our heart as our associate pastor Jason encouraged the church on our announcement board; "We have a great God who is our Father and is sovereign over all. Even during this time, He is our provider and our hope. So do not fear no matter what happens in the next months, but trust our Heavenly Father." Do you believe that He has power over this situation? He will be glorified and exalted through it all, though we may not be able to see it yet?
Second, be wise. Ask Heavenly Father for wisdom. I was just informed that all restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, and entertainment venues were ordered to be closed through March 31st. Take reasonable steps to protect and provide for your family, church, work, and community. Wash your hands. Do not touch your face. Refrain from much contact. Keep the social distance. You may be healthy, so the virus may not affect you as much, but be considerate of others as you respect and honor their space. Obey the government authorities unless it is clearly against the will of God (Romans 13:1). This is God's command and it pleases Him when we obey Him.
Third, look for opportunities to love and share the gospel. Many Christian and non-Christian men and women are suffering due to fear, anxieties, and even tangibly, business closures, permanent and temporary, all across America. With each passing of the day, people are becoming more fearful of the virus and its effect: physically, financially, emotionally, and psychologically. But what we should all fear most in life is God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matthew 10:28). Open your eyes, ear, and heart. See and listen with your heart. People are in need all around you: physically, financially, emotionally, and psychologically. But know this, what they really need is an intimate relationship with God the Father, whom we must answer to when we leave this earth. So, share Christ. He has already won. He has defeated COVID-19 and so much more; even our eternal death in hell. Pandemic disease and the current situation is no match for Jesus Christ. Trust in Him as your Lord and Savior if you have not. (XEE: Detailed Gospel Message) If you have, proclaim the good news. Today is the day of salvation. People are anxious and fearful. They are in need of a Savior. They are in need of a Good Shepherd.
To whom shall we turn to? To whom shall we run to?
Ministry Updates:
We do want to thank and give you an update below on what has happened in the past month briefly. Your support and prayers are making serious impact in Compton as the gospel is preached, souls are saved, and disciples are raised!
1. 2nd Annual Joint Retreat really challenged our members to take their faith seriously to have an intimate and intentional prayer time with God in our everyday lives.
2. Compton Inland Mission - We were able to serve a boarding house in Compton by cleaning, serving cake with coffee, and most importantly, sharing the gospel. (See pictures below)
3. Bible Men / Bible Women - Our Bible studies are changing lives. Do you live in the vicinity of Burbank, Koreatown, Hollywood, South LA, Willowbrook, or Compton? We are sure to be in your neighborhood. Come join us! You will be transformed by the Word of God! E-mail us if interested.
4. One Church turns One Year Old on May 17th! - Please mark your calendar. Come celebrate with us! RSVP here! (Please pray for us that we can still meet this day. If anything changes, we will let you know)
If you are looking for a physical location to worship on Sunday, feel free to join us any Sunday at 1:11PM at 1940 N. Bullis Rd., Compton, CA (Entrance of Ekono 99 Market) Unless the government orders even small churches like us to close, we will have our door open for you, so you can worship Christ with a family of God. Also, gives us an opportunity to love you, care for you, and pray for you. Thank you!
Ways to Support LA1
If you would like to support us financially, you may write a check out to "Los Angeles One Church" & mail to 2065 E. 120th St. LA CA 90059 or simply go online for super easy giving.
Thank you so much for supporting us as we continue to love Compton and share the gospel of Jesus Christ to one soul and one community at a time.